Musical training and scholarship

Writing / Harmony

Ages 12 and up

Like all means of expression, musical composition involves codes, rules and conventions; in fact, it requires respect for a grammar and an architecture that are themselves the result of the many centuries of research and trial and error that have marked the evolution of Western music since Ancient Greece.Let's not forget that Western music, "polyphonic" in essence, based on "Number" and proportions, is a fantastic construction of the mind, of which there are no examples as accomplished in other civilizations...

Beyond the "Pythagorean" preoccupations, the "Writing Classes" enable students to better apprehend Music in general, and for some of them to develop a real creative "fibre".

Musical Training and Analysis


The introductory course is a group workshop for children in first grade. The aim is to discover and raise awareness of sound worlds, instruments and musical performances.

The introductory class prepares children for access to the specific codes of musical language through a sensory, playful and essentially oral approach.

This course lasts 45 minutes per week.


The "musical training" course is a group practice course focused on discovery and the acquisition of reference points in different musical styles.

It is a workshop for creation and experimentation, open to other disciplines and other arts. To this end, it can draw on project-based pedagogy. This pedagogical approach gives finality and purpose to the learning process, and encourages students to develop their own personal projects.

More pragmatically, the Music Training course transmits the elementary principles of music in the following progression: Perceive, Discern, Practice, Name, Read, Write

Formation Musicale Jazz / MAA

FM jazz/MAA is a musical training program for all those who practice jazz or contemporary music.

Regular training develops the ear and sense of rhythm.

You'll also learn to read scores and chord grids, understand jazz harmony, improvise and develop your inner singing.

You'll also gradually learn to listen for and analyze drum parts, bass lines, guitar riffs and solos.

The aim of all this learning is to develop independent musical practice.

History of Music

Teacher : Luis SALDIVIA-VEGA

Ages 12 and up

Music history is the study of the evolution of all types of music from all regions of the world and all times.

Musical instruments have also existed for a very long time, but it wasn't until the advent of musical notation that we began to learn about melodies sung or played on instruments.

Music history covers a wide range of subjects, including

  • - organology, the study of musical instruments and their history,
  • - classical music and popular music,
  • - Western music and world music,
  • - composer biography,

A word from the teacher :

THE HISTORY OF MUSIC is a door to be opened, so that our students can deepen this knowledge.

In this personal experience, I hope they will find the resources to better understand music and interpret it with conviction.