Cello teacher

Professor at the Prince Rainier III Academy of Music since 1998, Frédéric Audibert has been made a Knight of the Order of Cultural Merit by Prince Albert II of Monaco.

Guest principal cellist with the Chambre Philharmonique-Emmanuel Krivine and the orchestra of the Musikfestspiele Dresden, First Prize at the CNSM de Paris in Jean-Marie Garmard's class, he studied with Gary Hoffman, Maud Tortelier and Mark Drobinsky. In 1992, Lord Yehudi Menuhin named him laureate of his association "Live Music Now France" and encouraged him to pursue a solo career.He has given concerts and master classes in Europe, Japan, Polynesia, Taiwan, Congo Pointe Noire, DR Congo-Kinshasa... and has recorded some thirty CDs, which he has performed several times in concert.

He recently released a CD recorded with his brother Florent Audibert, principal cello of the Rouen Opera Orchestra, Les maîtres du violoncelle composent. Interested in the Baroque repertoire from an early age, he took part in several recordings with violinist Gilbert Bezzina. For the past 14 years, he has been artistic director of the Cello Fan cello festival in Callian-Pays de Fayence.