
This artistic program enables children from CP* to 3ème with a strong motivation for musical practice to pursue their schooling in the most satisfactory conditions, and to develop strong artistic skills. It seamlessly integrates the musical curriculum into the school curriculum. Assessments of the various music courses taken are included in the school report.

Primary and middle school

2 half-days of lessons per week integrated into school time, including :

  • 1 instrument class
  • 2 musical training classes in two half-groups
  • 1 instrumental ensemble and/or workshop
  • 1 choral singing class

Accessibility CP

In all 5-year-old classes in the Principality, group assessments are organized (by Academy of Music teachers) in March. Following these assessments, the Direction de l'Education Nationale offers families of pupils with musical sensitivities and maturity the possibility of enrolling in a special timetable class. It should be noted that pupils who accept this training course will have to change schools to attend the Condamine school.

Accessibility to primary and junior high schools

Pupils can also apply to join the special timetable class during the school year, provided they are already following a music curriculum. A request must be made to the Direction de l'Education Nationale. It must then be validated by a special commission. Please note that the referring schools are :

  • École de la Condamine for primary schools
  • Charles III secondary school

High school

At present, the Lycée Albert Ier offers a "2nde en temps aménagé" (2nd year of secondary school), which frees up one afternoon a week to attend music classes at the Académie.

A similar scheme is currently being set up for 1ère and Terminale classes.

For external students

(No ties with the Principality)

Apply to the French Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for an exemption to attend a Monegasque school with a special timetable.


If you have any questions, please contact