
The traditional curriculum is a degree-granting course, consisting of 3 compulsory lessons per week from the start of the cycle* (i.e. from CE1):

  • instrumental training: 20-minute individual lesson (teaching time increases in subsequent years according to level)
  • musical training: 1-hour group lesson (lesson time increases with each year)
  • group practice: depending on the student's level and instrument, this can be either a choir class (45 min.) or an orchestra class (1 hour).

*Students under the age of 7 areplaced in initiation. They follow only the musical training course (45min of group lessons), and may enroll in instrumental discovery workshops during the year.

Formation Musicale

At the Académie de Musique et Théâtre de Monaco, the "F.M" course is part of a three-part interdisciplinary training program:

  • Instrumental and/or vocal practice,
  • Collective instrumental and/or vocal practice
  • Musical culture (FM).

The "Formation Musicale" discipline is a group course that teaches the basic fundamentals of music through aural practice, vocal and instrumental practice, writing practice, and experimentation based on openness to a variety of interdisciplinary artistic worlds.

The skills worked on are in the following order:

  1. singing - playing
  2. listening - comparing - analyzing
  3. experiment - imagine - create - improvise
  4. reading - writing


Duration: 1 year

For pupils aged 6 (CP ) 45-minute group lesson per week

Cycle I

Duration: 3 to 5 years

For students aged 7 and over (CE1)

Technical nomenclature (according to years in cycle): CI1A CI2A CI3A CI4A CI5A

Compulsory end-of-1st-cycle examination from CI4A upwards

Continuous assessment plus final examination to obtain the certificate:

  • Oral tests
  • Written tests

Diploma :

  • End of 1st Cycle Certificate in Musical Training

Cycle II

Duration: 3 to 5 years

Technical nomenclature (depending on the number of years in the cycle): CII1A CII2A CII3A CII4A CII5A

Compulsory end-of-2nd-cycle exam from CII4A onwards

Continuous assessment plus final examination to obtain the certificate:

  • Oral tests
  • Written tests

Diploma :

  • Brevet de 2e Cycle de Formation Musicale

Cycle III

Duration: 1 to 3 years

The objectives of the 3rd cycle of musical training are:

Accompany, advise and guide towards the autonomy of a personalized artistic project.

Enhance and deepen skills as an extension of previous cycles.

Offered over a weekly period of 1h30, this course is devoted to general musical culture through the practice of :

  • Analysis.
  • Listening commentary
  • Oral and written communication of documentary work.
  • Vocal or instrumental deciphering.
  • Polyphonic vocal or instrumental interpretation linked to the aesthetics studied.
  • Personal and/or collective creation leading to the final artistic project.
  • Technical preparation for pre-professional entrance exams.

The Music Training course is part of the student's personalized project, and is an integral part of the CEM, whatever the major. If the student enrolled in Cycle III does not take the CEM, the course is considered as free practice without a final exam, and remains an option.

The final evaluation certifies the completion of musical studies for amateur practice (CEM).

  • A listening commentary test accompanied by a score to be completed.
  • Analysis of a piece from the CEM program.

Post Cycle III

Duration: 1 year, renewable

This non-degree-granting course is based solely on students' specific projects (preparation for competitions, motivation for further study, etc.).

It is optional for students enrolled in the instrumental or vocal DEM, and forms part of their personal DEM project.

Instrumental Training


1 year, possibility of 2nd year at the teacher's request (20min lesson).

Entry into Cycle I, or reorientation

Cycle I

3 to 5 years

Examination required in 4th year. (30min of classes until 3rd year, then 45min in final year).

Diploma: end-of-cycle certificate

Cycle II

Duration: 3 to 5 years.

Examination required in 4th year. (45min lessons).

Diploma: Brevet de 2ème cycle (BEM).

Entry into 3rd amateur cycle, or possibility of entry into DEM.

Cycle III

Duration: 2 to 4 years

Examination compulsory in 3rd year (1 hour of lessons) i Diploma: Certificat d'Etudes Musicales. UV compulsory: BEM de Formation Musicale + UV de Musique de Chambre + Assiduity in group practice.

End of studies, or presentation of the CSP entrance exam

Specialized Cycle

Duration: 2 to 4 years

Examination required in 2nd year.

Diploma: DEM. Compulsory subjects: CEM de Formation Musicale + UV de Musique de chambre + UV d'Erudition (choice of analysis, writing or history of music).

Cycle Perfectionnement

Duration of 1 to 4 years, subject to approval by the Director.

Intended for students preparing for entrance examinations to the Grandes Ecoles.

Exceptional year

This derogatory year is a lighter version of the traditional curriculum. It enables students to obtain exceptional exemption from one of the courses in the curriculum.

Any student wishing to benefit from this exemption must send a letter to the Director at the beginning of the year. (request justified by an academic or family problem).

Only one exemption year may be granted per learning cycle.

Collective Practice

Collective practice is at the heart of every student's musical education.

As soon as they enter the cycle (from CE1 onwards), students are required to take part in collective practice.

All children starting out take part in a choir class. Once in CI 3A, students whose instrument allows them to do so can take an orchestra course.

From Cycle II onwards, Orchestra becomes the compulsory group practice (except for pianists, guitarists, accordionists and early music students, who continue with choir lessons).


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